
Synthesis, Structural Characterization, Catalytic, Biological and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Studies of Metal Complexes with Flavone Derivatives

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R.R. Krishna Jyothi • Sharow Geeth Vincent • J. Joseph


Heterocyclic iicompounds, iiin iiparticular iioxygen-containing iiheterocyclic iicompounds, are iiof iispecial iiinterest iito iimedicinal iichemists iibecause iiof iitheir iiunusual ibiological properties. iiIn iithe iipresent iistudy, iithe iihighly iiconjugated iinitrogen iiheterocyclic scaffold iicomprised iiof iiflavone iiderivative iiwith iimetal iiacetates iito iiform iimetal chelates iiof iithe iitype ii[MIIL(OAc)2], iiflavone iianalogues ii(L); iiM=Co2+ , iiZn2+ , iiCu2+ iiand Ni2+

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