
Erzurum Ekolojik Koşullarında Yonca (Medicago sativa L.) Çeşit Adayının Performansının Belirlenmesi

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Süreyya Emre DUMLU* , Şerafettin ÇAKAL, Erdal AKSAKAL, Mustafa UZUN Mustafa Merve ÖZGÖZ, Kadir TERZİOĞLU, Pınar UYSAL, Murat ATICI, Ömer MENTEŞE


The aim of the study, the performance of the line 1312/15 wich is resistent to the ecological conditions of the Eastern Anatolia Region and is determined as the candidate varieties under the scope of alfalfa improvement studies carried out to develop high-yielding and high quality hay type alfalfa is to determined. The study was carried out in Pasinler district and center locations in Erzurum province between 2002-2004. As a standard alfalfa variety, Savaş variety and USA line were used

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