
Effect of Swirl Plates on Volumetric Discharge Rate and Spray Characteristics of Hollow Cone Nozzles

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Bahadır Sayıncı • Ruçhan Çömlek • Bünyamin Demir • Mustafa Çomaklı


The aim of the study is to determine the effect of orifice diameter, swirl plate and spray pressure on the volumetric flow, discharge coefficient and some spray characteristics of hollow cone nozzles. In the trials, five nozzle discs with 1,0, 1,2, 1,6, 2,0 and 2,4 millimetres orifice diameters and three polyacetal materials with 2 or 3 slots and one stainless steel with 2-slots swirl plate were used. Spray application were made at spray pressures of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 bar

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