Volume -39 | Issue - 2
Volume -39 | Issue - 2
Volume -39 | Issue - 2
Volume -39 | Issue - 2
Volume -39 | Issue - 2
Aerob and microaerophilic bacterial flora of Dardanelles was investigated during in May. Bacterial flora were composed of 59.88 % Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. acromogenes, 33.33 % Vi brio gazogenes. 5.56 % Vibrio furnissII, 0.62 % Aeromonas salmonicida type A and 0,62 % Pseudomonas viridiflava. Yersinia sp. and also Staphylococcus genus could not be isolated. It was suggested that values of pathogenic bacteria could not be harmfully for fish and other aquatic animals.